classical{ energy_distribution{ } }

  • \(\mathrm{\textcolor{Aquamarine}{optional}}\)

  • items: \(\mathrm{maximum\;1}\)

Definition and output of integrated electron and hole density as a function of energy, \(n(E)\), \(p(E)\) in units of [\(\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{eV}^{-1}\)] in 1D, [\(\mathrm{cm}^{-1}\mathrm{eV}^{-1}\)] in 2D, and [\(\mathrm{eV}^{-1}\)] in 3D.


  • min_energy, max_energy always refer to a zero point at the (local) conduction band edge, and not to the photon energy.

  • max should be set high enough above 0 to contain all occupied electron states and min should be set far enough below the band gap to contain all occupied hole states.

  • The respective values for energy_resolution should be set smaller than \(k_BT\) if one wishes to fully resolve the structures of the integrated densities and/or of the emission spectra.

  • However, while setting energy_resolution as low as 0.001 eV has little influence on program execution time, using similarly small values for energy_resolution in classical{ energy_resolved_density{ } } will result in massive slowdowns (and in 3D also in massive memory use), since the computational effort for obtaining emission spectra grows quadratically with the number of energy bins.


The following general conditions must be satisfied when defining classical{ energy_distribution{ } }

Maintained Keywords

The keywords below are available in at least one of currently published releases and are not planned to change in the nearest future.


  • \(\mathrm{\textcolor{WildStrawberry}{required}}\)

  • type: \(\mathrm{real\;number}\)

  • values: \(\mathrm{no\;constraints}\)

  • unit: \(\mathrm{eV}\)

minimum energy


  • \(\mathrm{\textcolor{WildStrawberry}{required}}\)

  • type: \(\mathrm{real\;number}\)

  • values: \(\mathrm{no\;constraints}\)

  • unit: \(\mathrm{eV}\)

maximum energy


  • \(\mathrm{\textcolor{Aquamarine}{optional}}\)

  • type: \(\mathrm{real\;number}\)

  • values: \(\mathrm{no\;constraints}\)

  • unit: \(\mathrm{eV}\)

  • default: \(0.1\)

energy spacing


  • \(\mathrm{\textcolor{WildStrawberry}{required}}\)

  • type: \(\mathrm{choice}\)

  • values: \(\mathrm{yes\;/\;no}\)

  • default: \(\mathrm{no}\)

This keyword can be used to suppress contributions from outside the quantum regions of interest. This works even if quantum mechanics is not enabled in run{}.


Note that classical{ energy_distribution{ } }, which directly calculates the space-integrated energy-resolved density, is independent on the group classical{ energy_resolved_density{ } }.