Direct Export

  1. Specify path to ParaView in Tools - Options if you have not done so before

  2. Select a 3D .vtr file of the simulation output folder and click on the Export and open in specific format button.

    Choose Open File with ParaView ( ParaView will open automatically.)

  3. Within ParaView:

    1. (The selected file should be highlighted automatically.) Click on Apply.

    2. Other settings:

      1. Representation: Surface

      2. Cell/Point Array Status: Choose the array to be displayed. For example, one can display the file bandedges.vtr and choose the array Gamma that corresponds to the Gamma conduction band. Click on Apply.

      3. Coloring: Choose the array to be displayed. (Gamma, for example)

Now you can play with the tool. Rotating, changing opacity and adding filters. ParaView is a very rich tool, hence it requires some time to explore all its capabilities. We recommend investing some time to learn about its filters:

  • First, the file should be highlighted and then click on Filter \(\Rightarrow\) Alphabetical.

    Some interesting ones are:

    • Edit cells by region

    • Calculator

    • Contour

Using File \(\Rightarrow\) Save State, the values of all variables can be stored on your PC. These states can be reloaded, which is useful for the generation of scripts.

For further information, we recommend a good tutorial from TACC.

When to use: This single-click-procedure is very convenient when we want to load a single file in the Pipeline Browser of ParaView. Having already experience with this tool it will require some basic steps to display the data on the screen of this platform.