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Frequently asked questions

How shall I cite the nextnano software in publications?

You can cite any of the following papers:

For simulations including electrolytes, you should cite:

For simulations that use the Contact Block Reduction method (CBR) (ballistic transport), you should cite any of the following papers:

nextnano.MSB software: For simulations that use the multi-scattering Büttiker (MSB) probe model (NEGF), you should cite:

nextnano.QCLsoftware: For simulations that use the NEGF method, you should cite:

For simulations that use the NEGF algorithm included in the nextnano³ software, you should cite any of these publications:

There might be further papers in the literature that are more suited to be cited in certain cases.

nnm/faq.1642518080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/18 16:01 by carola.burkl